Download Novel Wattpad Dewasa
Buat hari Anda semakin panas dengan membaca novel-novel dewasa yang direkome. Wattpad itu salah satu aplikasi untuk penulis2 berbakat mempublikasikan hasil karya ceritanya secara online. Biasanya melalui aplikasi Wattpad kalian bisa saling follow-an dengan penulis favorit kalian dan komen2an di cerita mereka juga. Btw, mari kita bahas beberapa karya novel.
Where stories live.Discover the world's most-loved social storytelling platform. Wattpad connects a global community of 80 million readers and writers through the power of story. Download it today to start reading or writing original stories.Get your story discoveredHave your own story to tell? Get it discovered through the power of community and technology on Wattpad. Share an original story on Wattpad and share it with our community who are there to cheer you on throughout your writing journey. Think your story could be the next blockbuster?
Wattpad Studios discovers untapped, unsigned, and talented writers on Wattpad and connects them to global multi-media entertainment companies.Read original storiesDiscover stories in over fifty languages from writers around the world! Whatever you’re into reading—romance, science fiction, mystery, comedy, action adventure, fantasy, young adult fiction, or fanfiction—it’s all on Wattpad.
So whether you’re looking for more LGBT meet-cutes, cyberpunk fairy tales, or new technothrillers to devour, you’ll find it all, and so much more, on Wattpad.Connect with a community of story-loversWhen you join Wattpad, you become a member of an international community of story-lovers. Connect with other passionate readers & writers, comment directly in stories as you read them, and support writers as they create and share their original stories.
You can even read together and share your library or create reading lists so your friends always know what you’re reading.Start your own free librarySave your favorite stories to keep them with you wherever you go. Hooked on a story?
Simply sync your account to easily pick up where you left off, whether you’re on your laptop, tablet, Kindle or iPhone.Read the stories that inspired blockbustersIf you’ve seen The Kissing Booth on Netflix, streamed Light as a Feather on Hulu or read New York Times best-seller Anna Todd’s series After, you may not know—these stories were first discovered on Wattpad. Join the platform the entertainment industry scours to find its next big hit, and start reading tomorrow’s box-office sensation today.Already a Wattpad fan?
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Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on your favorite writers, stories, contests, and more!Instagram: https://twitter.com/wattpad. By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments. AFinitDataCallback(key: 'ds:17', isError: false, hash: '30', data:functionreturn 'gp:AOqpTOHqpjggCh1-FPkwE1D1jYlCag-xSeCV-yAZ7DXdarwgzo0NqpTr3XRyhNjWfiNiYiNyurNnxgQy8RLA','Jen Wall-Ace',null,2,null,null,null,'keeping the app because it's got what it needs, but I hate the last update or two. Only 2 offline books?? That's absolute garbage!
And don't get me started on the hundreds of ads. An ad after ALMOST.
I've had this app for a while and I loved it before, but the updates just made it worse, not better. I can understand the ads, everyone wants money. But the paid stories?
And only TWO offline books?? I can understand something closer to 4 or 5, but two?? Just rubbish.'
,754000000,178,null,null,'8','Jen Wall-Ace',null,null,2,null,null,null,'using Wattpad for over 4 years. It has been a great app and website for reading an extensive variety of books, offline, until the recent update. I understand that it is about gaining money, but only providing 2 stories to read offline?
We're fine with ads, but the fact that you're giving us so little of what this app used to give us readers, the ability to read multiple stories offline, just for the reasoning of making more money seems a bit too much.' ,451000000,180,null,null,'2','KinaBooshoots',null,null,2,null,null,null,'ramirez',null,2,null,null,null,'used to love this app. It was a great app. Before, you can read any books you want. Like what they have said.
They offers million books that you can read offline anywhere and anytime. This was a great app. But this current version isn't really great. This was good, but now a trash. It becomes irritating to see and feels that the Company wants to earn so much money. Pop-up ads are okay. But paid stories isn't really good.
And right now, two books for offline reading? Damn, stupid.' ,973000000,87,null,null,'7','riccimae ramirez',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Henson',null,2,null,null,null,'a writer and I would appreciate it if you could include reader dedication and external link in the app itself.
I have trouble dedicating when using the desktop site of my mobile browser and it doesn't work (but sometimes, it's okay with external link). I could not just use my laptop anytime just to dedicate or provide an external link. Anyway, I like the older version of WP. It doesn't matter if there are paid stories but I hope that free books are available even offline.' ,599000000,35,null,null,'7','Jovilyn Henson',null,null,2,null,null,null,'d',null,2,null,null,null,'like reading stories on wattpad, but the ads are freaking aggravating. As well as this new offline setup. It really sucks.
I am starting to get frustrated with it and the ads. I just want to read all the way through without any interruption.
I miss the older wattpad when their was no ads and offline setup. These new enhancements SUCK!' ,389000000,12,null,null,'2','faye d',null,null,2,null,null,null,'almost five years, Wattpad had given me the opportunity to read offline (and for free) and throughout the years, it also gave me the opportunity to write, it's the best community for writers I might say.but some updates made my perspective from Wattpad and it's developers a bit nasty. Like the others said, I also understand what's the deal about the money, but isn't it too much?
We love Wattpad because it's free (we don't mind if you put ads every chapter), please just make it free again.' ,250000000,8,null,null,'8','ub77cuc774ub860ub808uc2acub9ac',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Deb',null,2,null,null,null,'must these apps be obsessed with money? I've had this app since 2016, and I loved every bit of it. It was my sanctuary, it was what I used to escape when life was hard for me.
The stories were FULLY offline so I could read them on road trips. There were ads, but I wasn't bothered because I understand that that's how apps makes money. There was no such thing as premium.
![Dewasa Dewasa](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-HKnocFFfjOQ/Wem6VdNkBAI/AAAAAAAAAtg/saABmpFlUzkLMrtvZI631fYEBkLXuuCjQCEwYBhgL/s1600/cute-love_overpdf.jpg)
Now it's all gone to trash. Only 2 offline stories? I have to PAY to read more than 2 books without internet?Absolute trash.'
,684000000,12,null,null,'8','xoxo Deb',null,null,2,null,null,null,'-SVT-',null,2,null,null,null,'love the app, but honestly the new update just did not do it for me. In the past I was able to read any offline stories whenever I'm offline.
But recently with the new update, I can only read 2. I understand that it requires money but what about some of us who just can't afford to do it? Would you care to think about some of us who just want to read without needing to pay. I honestly like the old wattpad.' ,619000000,0,null,null,'0','TheJamlessBunny -SVT-',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Donerciler',null,2,null,null,null,'wish not to upgrade the new version. It's really annoying that we can't read the books offline.
I like to read my books most of the time offline to save my battery or in the plane while travelling but now the app is really useless. Please fix this and return the old style. I use the app since 2014 and was really pleased.
But not anymore',476000000,26,null,null,'1','Inci Donerciler',null,null,2,null,null,null,'bRooks',null,2,null,null,null,'used to love Wattpad, I used to be able to read as many offline books in my library and enjoy them as I please, I loved it!!! BUT NOW I can't have more than 3 BOOKS in my library, and IF I wanted to add MORE, just to ADD in my library and read OFFLINE I have to pay $5.99 MONTHLY!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I rather have the OLD Wattpad back because this is ridiculous. Wattpad was a wonderful app, now they just ruined it. I guess I won't be using this App as much as I used to anymoreud83dude2d',945000000,6,null,null,'1','e'Yonna bRooks',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Vance',null,2,null,null,null,'the most part I love this app and have used it for the past 5 years.
The probelm is in a current update the have made the books brighter as you read them which for a person who likes to read on a black screen at night is irritating beyond belief. Other than that and the increasing number of adverts I highly recommend it.' ,336000000,2,null,null,'2','Alexandra Vance',null,null,2,null,null,null,'West- Watson',null,2,null,null,null,'I have been using Wattpad for nearly 4 years now and I have loved every second of it, reading all these stories, however the new 'updates' Wattpad had done are actually horrible.
Wattpad had completely changed everything and was saying 'this changed, deal with it'.like, what? Now they're introducing 'offline stories' where if you don't have Wattpad Premium, you can only read 3 stories w/out WiFi, but before this update you could read like 5-10 books without WiFi or Premium. Fix this NOW.' ,575000000,1,null,null,'4','Ellie West- Watson',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Gerada',null,2,null,null,null,'glad that I got to update my wattpad app but I was a little bit upset and sad because you can only read 2 STORIES OFFLINE. If you want to add a new book in your library, you have to pay for premium so that you can add stories more than 2 stories in your offline library!
Please just bring back the old wattpad that you can add stories more than for 2 for FREE so you can read offline.' ,679000000,25,null,null,'3','Jamie Gerada',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Moon',null,2,null,null,null,'is a good source of quality stories and great inspirations.
However, Wattpad is not the same anymore. When in offline you can read your favorite stories on the planes and in the car on long road trips. But now, Wattpad had limited this crucial and admirable feature drastically that made it stand out, unique and respectable, to only 3 stories allowed offline. Ads are understandable to create revenue but not premium.
Wattpad is good for stories and creators but a former shell of itself.' ,515000000,1,null,null,'5','Edward Moon',null,null,2,null,null,null,'e a g e n',null,2,null,null,null,'app never lags and it's a very great way of sharing creativity and growing as a writer. The app gives lots of inspiration in how to write better and test out different skills. You did an amazing job, and should be very proud. Five stars for the amazing app were I can blow off steam in writing, learn to write better, and read books only available on Wattpad. On this app I've found plenty of writers just like me.
And you can tell this app took a lot of time to make overall, Great app.' ,516000000,113,null,null,'0','R e a g e n',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Waffle',null,2,null,null,null,'only things that are annoying is that sometimes your books get shuffled or dissaper can you please fix that bug? Also i think it'd be cool if it had it where you can have more then one author for a book edit: the new update sucks only 2 books offline? With most of the new updates your losing more of the use to be 5 stars.This app is slowly turning into a paid app c'mon the two books ofline thing is such a cash grab Some of us don't have the cash to buy premium',485000000,2,null,null,'2','Sneaky Waffle',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Johnson',null,2,null,null,null,'love Wattpad but, I hate that no matter what story I'm reading, since the new 'offline limit' thing, I get a message box popping up to close out the app and reopen because the story has been updated and it sends me back to the beginning of the chapter when I hit ok. No other option except ok.
Then, when I finally make it to the end of the updates the last one was days, months, or even years ago and I shouldn't have gotten that message at all. This continues even after closing out the app.'
,237000000,133,null,null,'5','Melissa Johnson',null,null,2,null,null,null,'sassy pandacorn',null,2,null,null,null,'AM FURIOUS. Whatpadd used to be so good. Now I only get 3 offline books. This is horrendous. It was so simplistic before.
Now it's not. Now it's frustrating and annoying to use. Everytime a writer updates I have to leave the book then re open it. I am going to mention this to all my friends before they decide to download this. What a disgrace me and my friends are trying to spread the word and we are deleting this app.
Thankyou very much.' ,699000000,194,null,null,'9','the sassy pandacorn',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Jackson',null,2,null,null,null,'a bug, and it's where it keeps saying 'failed to save part' or 'unable to connect to the internet' even when I'm connected to straight WIFI! And now, for some reason, I can't get the new update on Wattpad for my chromebook! But, of course, what I'm saying doesn't even matter to you because you always pay attention to the FIVE STAR REVIEWS, AND THE FIVE STAR REVIEWS ONLY!' ,742000000,41,null,null,'8','Isabella Jackson',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Nic',null,2,null,null,null,'I'm sorry but this is the last string.
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This last update it terrible. I have over 200 stories saved on my library and having to wait 10 minutes, minimum, is really annoying. I was fine with the ads after every chapter and paying for certain stories, but this is just ridiculous. This new download feature is incredibly stupid and a waste of my free time (which is not much). The only reason I give it 2 stars instead of one is because of the separation of Paid Stories from the rest.' ,592000000,88,null,null,'7','Lyn Nic',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Beautiful',null,2,null,null,null,'takes a long time to load all of my stories in library whereas the old version would have worked in an instant.
Also having to pay just read more than 3 books offline is ridiculous. After having this app for nearly 3 years, i found that I had no problem with the previous version of this app. I understand that you want all of users to be satisfied with your app but there are still a vast majority of users such as myself who would prefer the previous version.
Delete the update please!!!!' ,151000000,79,null,null,'9','Mckenzie Beautiful',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Windell',null,2,null,null,null,'had this app for years, absolutely love it, all the throws are amazing. All the writers are amazing, love it, love it, love it except for this new update. I'm connected to Wi-Fi, and it won't let me read any stories, because I'm not available on offline, but I'm connected to Internet, so should be fine, and then, even when I kill my data off and reconnected my Internet to a different wife, I think its like your stories are now available offline, but I am online.'
ScreenshotsWattPadWattpad is a free online storytelling community where users can post and read written works ranging across 29 different categories including classics, general fiction, historical fiction, non-fiction, poetry, spiritual, teen fiction among others. Wattpad users are spread across countries like US, UK, Canada, The Philippines, Australia, Russia, Nigeria, Jamaica, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, India, Myanmar among others. The Users are able to like, comment and interact with the writers and share their opinions with fellow readers.
It provides the writers with an opportunity to reach across a wide and varied audience of more than a million users. To help these stories reach a larger part of the community, a number of Wattpadders are volunteering their time to translate stories, Although available in over 50 languages, 77% of its content is written in English.