Neax 2000 Ips Matworx Download Google
I have recently taken over managing an NEC NEAX 2000 IVS.There are 200 Extensions setup on this system but nowhere near as many handsets.I have tried to setup a couple of new phones (IP Dterm) on unused extensions but they are coming up as “double assignment”.I know how to fix the double assignment issue, but is there a way to report on IP phones that are currently active or extension numbers that are configured but do not have an active IP phone associated?I would like to mark all spare extensions for future use.Thanks.
LIABILITY DISCLAIMERNEC America, Inc. Chess opening theory table. Reserves the right tochange the specifications, functions, orfeatures, at any time, without notice.NEC America, Inc.
Download via IP. Neax 2000 Ips Matworx Download Free - changethepiratebay The UNIVERGE™ NEAX® 2000 IPS is a full-featured IP-based communications system. It provides pure voice-over-IP (VoIP) peer-to-peer connections across corporate local and wide area. NEC America, Inc. Inaset for NEAX 2000 IPS System User Guide November, 2002 Stock # 152026 NDA-30549, Issue 1.0.
Has prepared thisdocument for the exclusive use of itsemployees and customers. Theinformation contained herein is theproperty of NEC America, Inc. And shallnot be reproduced without prior writtenapproval from NEC America, Inc.NEAX, MATWorX, DESIWorX, and Dtermare registered trademarks of NECCorporation.Copyright 1997NEC America, Inc.Printed in the USAAll other brand or product names are ormay be trademarks or registeredtrademarks of, and are used to identifyproducts or services of, their respectiveowners.MS-DOS and Microsoft are registeredtrademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NTare trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MATWorX 32 User’s GuideNDA-24215 Revision 1.0 Page iNDA-24215December, 1997NEAX2000 IVSMATWorX 32 User’s GuideTable of ContentsPageChapter 1 About This Guide. 1Purpose of This Guide. 1How This Guide is Organized. 1Chapter 2 MATWorX 32 Overview.
5What’s MATWorX 32?. 5MATWorX 32 Tools. 6MACH Script Editor. 6PBX Configuration Wizard. 6MATWorX 32 Applications.
7PBX Access Module (PAM). 7Introduction to Working in Windows 95. 8Navigating Through the MATWorX 32Taskbar.
8PBX Menu. 9System Menu. 9Station Menu.
10Number Plan Menu. 10Trunk Menu. 10Features Menu. 10Add-Ins Menu. 11Applications Menu.
11Help Menu. 12Working with MATWorX 32 Dialogs andButtons. 13Printing a Report. 17Chapter 3 Installing MATWorX 32. 19System Requirements. 19MATWorX 32 Installation Instructions.
MATWorX 32 User’s GuidePage ii NDA-24215 Revision 1.0Table of Contents(Continued)PageChapter 4 Getting Started. 27Starting MATWorX 32.
27Connecting to a NEAX2000 IVS PBX. 29Using the PBX Configuration Wizard. 29Establishing the Connection. 30Troubleshooting a Failed Connection 31Disconnecting from the PBX. After effects cs4 download. 35Exiting MATWorX 32.
35Chapter 5 PBX Access Module (PAM). 37What’s the PAM?. 37PAM Communication Overview. 38PAM Online Help. 39Accessing PAM Online Help. 40Chapter 6 Add-Ins. 41What’s an Add-In?.
41Four Categories of Add-Ins. 42Enhanced Features. 43Installing an Add-In. 44Starting an Add-In. 45Removing an Add-In.
45Add-In Online Help. 47Chapter 7 MACH Script Editor. 49What’s the MACH Script Editor?.
49Starting the MACH Script Editor. 50MACH Script Editor Online Help. 50Chapter 8 Scheduler. 51What’s a Scheduler?. 51Starting the Scheduler.
52Scheduler Online Help. 52Accessing Scheduler Online Help. MATWorX 32 User’s GuideNDA-24215 Revision 1.0 Page iiiTable of Contents(Continued)PageChapter 9 DESIWorX. 55What’s DESIWorX?. 55Starting DESIWorX. 56DESIWorX Online Help.
56Accessing DESIWorX Online Help. 56Chapter 10 MATWorX 32 Online Help. 57Online Help Features. 57Accessing the Online Help System. 57Main Help Contents. 58Dialog-level Help.
58What’s This? 58Tool Tips. 58Printing Help Topics. 59Appendix A Extended Command Set. 61Appendix B Error Codes. 65Series 100 Error Codes.
65Series 200 Error Codes (currently notimplemented). 66Series 300 Error Codes. 67Series 400 Error Codes. 69Appendix C Directory and File Structure. About This GuideMATWorX 32 User’s GuideNDA-24215 Revision 1.0 Page 1Chapter 1 About This GuidePurpose of This GuideThis user guide contains useful information that willhelp you successfully install and use the MATWorX32 program. Included are highlights about many keyfeatures of the program including the MATWorX 32Taskbar, PBX Access Module (PAM), Add-Ins, PBXConfiguration Wizard, MACH Script Editor,Scheduler, DESIWorX, Extended Command Set,Error Codes, and the Online Help System.This guide is designed to be a supplement to theMATWorX 32 online Help system.
MATWorX 32 User’s GuidePage 2 NDA-24215 Revision 1.0About This GuideuPBX Access Module (PAM) describes the processof how MATWorX 32 applications communicatewith the PBX via the PAM. The PAM is a gatewayfor 32-bit Microsoft Windows applications toconnect to the NEAX2000 IVS PBX.uAdd-Ins describes the concept of Add-Ins,including what they are and how they work, as wellas how to add and remove them. Add-Ins are thebasic tools of MATWorX 32. Users can also createcustom Add-Ins for specialized business solutionsby purchasing a developer’s kit from NEC or anauthorized NEC dealer.uMACH Script Editor describes the concept andoperation of the MOC Accelerated CommandHeap (MACH) window. This window is a separateand powerful tool that is integrated into theMATWorX 32 software. It is similar to workingwith the Maintenance Operation Console (MOC),but provides much more functionality by enablingyou to create a list of NEAX2000 IVS commands(a script) which you can save and run at any time.uScheduler describes the features and operations ofthe Scheduler application. Using the Scheduler,you can build a series of MOC commands and savethem in a script.
Then you can simply run the scriptinstead of manually typing them each time youneed them. You can also schedule the script to runat certain times during a day, week, or month. Youcan build complex scripts that can modifyNEAX2000 IVS behavior at scheduled times.uDESIWorX describes the features and operationsof the DESIWorX application. Using DESIWorX,you can create labels for the function keys of theDterm stations on your NEAX2000 IVS.
Theselabels are saved in a database. You can enterfunction key caption information for the label, andyou can print the labels to be placed on the Dterm. About This GuideMATWorX 32 User’s GuideNDA-24215 Revision 1.0 Page 3uMATWorX 32 Online Help describes the onlineHelp system in detail as well as how to access itand print Help topics.uAppendix A lists the Extended Command Set thatyou can use in conjunction with the MACH ScriptEditor window. The Extended Command Setcharacters are modifiers you type in front of aNEAX2000 IVS command on the MACH ScriptEditor window. Using Extended Commands cangreatly reduce the number of commands needed toperform certain tasks.uAppendix B lists the error codes and relateddescriptions for the entire MATWorX 32 program.uAppendix C describes the directory structure, files,and file locations of the MATWorX 32 suite ofapplications installed on your computer.