Pyro Chem Installation Manual
From retail stores and restaurants to museums and paint booths, Pyro-Chem offers fire protection systems for every industry. Founded by Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products, one of the most well-known brands in the fire protection industry, Pyro-Chem provides your business with quality fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems. If you are located in New Orleans metro area, Baton Rouge or Lafayette and need to get your current Pyro-Chem fire suppression system inspected or serviced, contact Fire & Safety Commodities today!Fire & Safety Commodities offers design, installation, inspection and maintenance services for your Pyro-Chem fire systems and extinguishers. We are here for you when you when it’s time to install a new Pyro-Chem fire extinguisher or fire suppression system. Our trained safety technicians will work with you to protect your business investments and employees from potential fire hazards. Commercial kitchens accommodate a large number of appliances that use oil and grease to cook food at extremely high temperatures, creating a high threat environment for potential fires. When a kitchen fire occurs, electrical and gas service lines must be turned off and fire alarms activated to begin suppressing the fire.
With a kitchen fire suppression system, all of these processes can be done automatically without putting your kitchen staff in danger.Pyro-Chem offers the Kitchen Knight II fire suppression system, fully equipping your kitchen with pull stations, detection brackets and fusible links, gas shut off valves, control heads and extinguishing agents that automatically activate when a fire is detected. With Pyro-Chem, you can quickly suppress and effectively extinguish any fire without doing a single! We can ensure that you never forget your next required maintenance and that your fire extinguishers and suppression systems will always work during a fire emergency. Ask about our maintenance and service contracts for all your Pyro-Chem equipment.
Design, installation, recharge, and maintenance of the system must conform to the limitations detailed in this manual and per-formed by an individual who attended a PYRO-CHEM training program and became trained to install, recharge, design, and maintain the PYRO-CHEM system. Fire suppression systems are mechanical devices. They need periodic care.